Program Focus: Winter Olympics

Dear Lones, 1200px-PyeongChang_2018_Winter_Olympics.svg
Are you enjoying snow where you live? We were so excited to have snow for our Winter Camp so we could try out the cross-country skis! Snow also seems to fit with the Winter Olympics – have you been watching the Games so far?

Program Focus: Winter Olympics – Games Go Global!

Exploring Canada

  • Day 33: Exploring Toronto – Visit Ontario’s capital city, go to the top of the CN Tower and take on an engineering challenge, visit Casa Loma and explore Guide history, and take a virtual tour of Queen’s Park and explore what it means to be a good leader!

Monthly Challenge

  • Facing Difference Challenge – Create your own self-portrait and raise funds to support programs in Nigeria, Sri Lanka and the South Caucasus Region that help youth promote peace and understanding in their communities.


  • World Thinking Day Cards – Congratulations to Rachel and Emily whose designs were chosen to feature on this year’s Lone Thinking Day Cards! Watch your mailbox later this month as a card makes it way to you.
  • World Thinking Day Meeting – Mark your calendars, we’re going to try and do a Skype meeting for World Thinking Day on Thursday, February 22nd at 6.30pm. We will be taking part in the WAGGGS World Thinking Day 2018 Challenge: Impact.

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